I chose to attend the University of Tampa Sykes College of Business due to its outstanding programs and its dedication to ensuring students leave with a well-rounded experience. Completing my undergraduate studies at a profound University in sunny Florida has been an absolute delight, and I will take all that I’ve learned throughout my future career endeavors. My coursework at UT focused on Digital Marketing, Promotion and Branding Strategies, and Marketing Strategy. I will be receiving my Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing following the completion of the Fall 2024 semester, and look forward to contributing the skills I’ve gained throughout college at an established organization.

In addition to dedicating my time to completing coursework at the University of Tampa, I also set out to become involved in several student organizations that would contribute to my future career. The first organization I participated in from 2022-2023 was American Marketing Association (AMA) where I was able to attend workshops and guest speaker events, enhancing my knowledge on real-world marketing

Additionally, I served as the Marketing Manager with the on-campus activities organization, Student Productions. Working alongside this organization was extremely beneficial as I was able to work specifically in event marketing, and had the incredible opportunity to create an entire marketing plan for the university’s on-campus concert, Party in the Park. This experience was one that I’ll take with me through all of my future career endeavors as it pertained to specifically what I want to do in my future.

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